The Automotive Detailing Snapshot Includes:

  • Website Template

  • Sales Funnel Template

  • Claim Offer Form

  • Email Campaign Templates

  • Custom Automations

  • Sales Pipeline Template

  • Social Post Templates

  • Digital Ad Templates

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Welcome To The Automotive Detailing Playbook!

The Automotive Detailing Snapshot provides a foundational template for establishing sub-accounts tailored to automotive detailing businesses. It equips you with a comprehensive toolkit to capture, nurture, and close leads, including a website, forms, calendars, workflows, email campaigns, online ads, and social posts.

🛠️ General Account Setup

This section will walk you through general account setup items that should be configured for every business before you get started.

Create the Sub-Account

Follow these steps to create a new sub-account and utilize the Automotive Detailing Snapshot within it.

  1. Go go the “Sub-Accounts” tab

  2. Click the “Create Sub-Account” button

  3. Select “Regular Account” at the top of the pop up

  4. Find the “Automotive Detailing Snapshot” and click the "Select & Continue" button

  5. Search for the automotive detailing business listing to automatically find their info or click blue "Add account manually” text in the search bar if no details are found

  6. Confirm business information is correct or complete the form manually

  7. Click the “Save” button

Configure General Settings Tab

Updating the business information in the General Settings Tab is advisable because the information provided there will seamlessly integrate with other parts of the account.

  1. Switch into new client account by clicking on the “Switch to Sub-Account” button at the top of the side navigation menu and then selecting the sub-account name

  2. Go to “Settings” > “Business Profile”

  3. Add “Business Logo”

  4. Add any missing information in the fields

  5. Be sure to click the “Update Information” button on each section in which information is added or changed

Activate All New Features

Labs gives you the opportunity to test any new features/updates that are currently in Beta before they officially become live in all sub-accounts. Enable all the features in labs to experience the latest version of the platform.

  1. Go to “Settings” > “Labs”

  2. Enable all the new listed features

Create User Profiles For Staff Members

This snapshot includes Services Calendars, so you’ll want to create User profiles for the staff members who provide those services.

  1. Go to “Settings” > “My Staff”

  2. Click the “Add Employee” button

  3. Enter “User Info”

  4. Select the “Calendar” you want this user assigned to

  5. Click the “Save” button

Note: Each user will need to login to his/her account to integrate their personal Google calendar(s). who provide those services.

Setup Phone Number

Purchase a new phone number in order to send & receive phone calls and text messages within the system.

  1. Go to “Settings” > “Phone Numbers”

  2. Click the “Add Number” button and select “Add Phone Number” from the dropdown

  3. Click the “Filter” button, enter your Area Code in the middle field, and in the “Match To” field select “first part of number” and click “Apply”

  4. Select a number and click the “Proceed to Buy” button

  5. Click on the Pencil icon next to the Phone Number to Configure the number

  6. Enter the main business number in the “Forward Calls to” field

  7. Check the “Call Recording” checkbox to enable it

  8. Enter a call recording notification message in the “Call Recording” field

  9. Click the “Save” button

  10. Complete A2P Verification - A2P registration is a mandatory process that ensures all businesses comply with US regulations in regard to phone calls and text messaging (learn more here:

    1. Go to “Settings” > “Phone Numbers” > “Trust Center” tab

    2. Click the “Start Registering Now” button to begin the process

    3. Follow the steps to complete the registration submission

Setup Dedicated Email Domain

Strategically leveraging email marketing enhances sales, but caution is vital. We highly recommend a dedicated sending domain for better control, mitigating potential filtering of your messages by email service providers, and optimizing marketing strategies.

  1. Go to “Settings” > “Email Services”

  2. Click the ‘Create Dedicated Domain” button

  3. Enter your desired sending sub-domain in the “Enter Domain Name” field (this will be Common sending sub-domains are,, etc.)

  4. Click the “Add & Verify” button

  5. Click the “Continue” button to connect your domain. Depending on your domain registrar, you’ll either be prompted to connect and login with your domain registrar so the wizard can automatically configure the new DNS records OR you’ll be prompted to manually configure those records in your DNS.

  6. Click the “Verify Domain” button to see the status of each record. Once all records have been verified, you’ll be redirected back to the Email Services tab where you’ll see that your new sending sub-domain is active and that the SSL certificate has been issued (Note: DNS record verification often takes several minutes to complete, so you may have to click “Verify Domain” a few times until all the records are found).

Setup Branded Domain

By default, links generated for items like documents and contracts, invoices, calendars, etc will use the API Domain (e.g. This is configured in the Agency View > Settings > Company. Setting up Branded Domains within a specific sub-account will replace the API Domain with one that is owned by the company using the sub-account (e.g.

  1. Within the sub-account, go to “Settings” > “Business Profile”

  2. In the General Information sections, add the domain in the Branded Domain field.

    1. Note: this should include a sub-domain (e.g.

    2. Before clicking the "Update Information" button, be sure to add a CNAME record in the company's DNS. In the example provided, you would add "link" as the host and add "" as where the record points to (sometimes referred to "data" or "answer" as different DNS providers call it different things)

  3. Once the CNAME record has been added to the DNS, wait at least 60 seconds and then click the "Update Information" button in the Company Profile settings and you should see a success message in the top right of the screen.

Setup Message Templates (Snippets)

Snippets enhance customer interactions with pre-designed messages (templates). Simplify responses to frequently asked questions and streamline communication, ensuring efficient and consistent engagement with your clients or customers.

  1. Go to "Marketing" > "Templates (Snippets)"

  2. Click the "Add Template” (Snippet) button

  3. Click either "Add Text Template (Snippet)" or "Add Email Template (Snippet)"

  4. In the "Name" field, enter an intuitive name for the message

  5. Compose the message

    1. Use custom values to personalize the message without having to manually edit the message every time you use it.

  6. Attach a file as desired

  7. Click the "Save" button

Connect Social Planner Networks

The Social Planner allows you to post content, including text, photos, and videos, to multiple platforms. You can also schedule posts in bulk to be posted at specific dates and times, which helps to increase post engagement while increasing efficiency by front-loading the work. The first step is to connect relevant social accounts.

  1. Go to "Marketing" > "Social Planner"

  2. Follow the steps outlined on the page

    1. Note:You will need to have access to the specific social accounts you are connecting to as the system will need to be authorized to access and post as a 3rd party.

Connect the Business Facebook Page & Instagram Account

Integrate the company's Facebook & Instagram pages to activate Facebook Messaging and Instagram DMs within the platform as well as Facebook Review management.

Before connecting the Facebook page to the sub-account, ensure that the Instagram profile is a Business account and that it is connected to the business Facebook page.

  1. Login to the business’s Facebook page

  2. In the HighLevel sub-account, go to “Settings” > “Integrations”

  3. Click the “Connect” button for the Social option

  4. Click the ‘Continue as [Page Name]” button

  5. Select the Facebook page you want to connect to this location

  6. Click the “Connect Facebook & Instagram” button

For more details on connecting accounts visit:

Connecting Facebook Pages

Connect Instagram Business Page

Connect the Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile is your digital storefront on Google. Connecting Google Business Profile will allow activation of Google Review management as well as Google Business Messaging. It also provides the ability to automatically insert the sub-account's HighLevel hosted phone number into the Google Business Profile

Note: the existing phone number will be automatically moved to the second phone number field in the Google Business Profile.

  1. Make sure the Google Business Profile has been created and verified in the relevant Google Business Profile account

  2. Go to “Settings” >”Integrations”

  3. Click the “Sign in with Google” button

  4. Choose the appropriate Google account to connect or sign in as needed

  5. Allow permissions as prompted

  6. Select the business you want to link to this sub-account from the dropdown menu.

  7. Check the “Enable GBP call tracking” check box for the ”Missed Call Text-Back” feature

  8. Click the “Connect” button

For more details on connecting the Google Business Profile to the location, visit our Support page: Integrate to your Google My Business Location(s)

Setup the Review Request Outreach Email & SMS

Composing Review Request Outreach Email and SMS templates enables users to quickly send review requests to contacts via the Bulk Action on desktop and the Quick Action in mobile. You can also use the “Send Review Request” Workflow action to automate review requests.

  1. Go to “Settings” > “Reputation Management”

  2. Setup Review Messages

    1. Toggle on the “SMS Review Requests” and “Email Review Requests” and enter customized messages

  3. Under “Review Link”, select a connected platform (e.g. Google, Facebook)

    1. Note: If Google isn’t linked, follow these steps to obtain the accurate link for submitting reviews on a specific Google Business Profile.

    2. Click on “Custom Link” and enter a custom URL used for collecting review

    3. ID Finder:

    4. (replace PASTEHERE with client’s ID).

    5. Copy and paste link in the “Setup your custom link” field

    6. Click the “Save” button

Activate Review Reply AI

Platforms like Google & Facebook reward businesses who reply to their reviews because it shows that the business is engaged with its customers. Activating Review Reply AI ensures that every review receives a reply.

  1. Go to “Settings” > “Reputation Management”

  2. There are two options at the top of the screen: "Suggestive" and "Auto Responses"

    1. Choose the mode that best suits the business needs

Activate Review Social Posting

Re-posting online reviews is another great way to increase reach and engagement on social platforms. And this can be done automatically by following these steps:

  1. Go to “Marketing” > “Social Planner”

  2. Click the "New Post" button and select "Post Reviews"

  3. A modal will open on the screen where you can choose various options and schedule posts as desired

Connect Stripe

To fully utilize payment features, we suggest integrating Stripe. By doing so, you can leverage the CheckOut element on your website/funnels and accept payments for calendar bookings. Please visit our Stripe Integration Support Document for more information.

Create Products

If you have products to sell online, you can create standalone or recurring products that can be sold in funnels, websites, forms, and even E-Commerce shops.

  1. Go to "Payments" > "Products"

  2. To create a new product, click the "Create Product" button and complete the fields in the page that follows

  3. To import existing products from the connected Stripe account, click the "Import from Stripe" button

  4. To manually import from another platform, first download a sample CSV file by clicking the "Import as CSV" button and click the "Download sample CSV" link

    1. You can either add to this list manually or copy the data from a CSV export of another platform

Create Proposal Templates

In many cases, a proposal or estimate may be required to begin work on a job or project. Creating a template will standardize the business process and reduce paperwork.

  1. Go to "Payments" > "Documents & Contracts" > "Templates"

  2. Click the "New" button and choose to create a new template or upload a pre-existing PDF

    1. Note: When choosing to upload a PDF, you will have the ability to overlay fields for collecting data (e.g. Name, Address, Initials, etc) as well as a signature

  3. Edit the document as desired by click the "+" icon at the top left of the screen and adding elements to build the proposal structure

  4. Modify the various elements to customize the document

  5. Click the "Save" button

Create Invoice Templates

The most efficient way to send invoices through HighLevel is to create templates for standard jobs or projects. There is an option to create a one-time template that could be used for a single job or project type as well as a recurring template that could be used for work performed over a period of time.

  1. Go to "Payments" > "Invoices" > choose either "Recurring Templates" or "Templates" depending on the business needs

  2. For Recurring Templates, click on the "+ New" button and choose "Recurring Template"

    1. On the page that follows, change the "Frequency Settings" as desired and add the items to be included in this invoice.
      Note: this will pull from the products that were added previously. So, if you don't see the products you need, be sure they are added in "Payments" > "Products"

  3. For standard Invoice Templates, go to "Payments" > "Invoices" > click on the "+ New Invoice"

    1. Add the relevant details and items to be included in the invoice.
      Note: this will pull from the products that were added previously. So, if you don't see the products you need, be sure they are added in "Payments" > "Products"

Setup Custom Values

Custom values are like shortcuts to information that can be referenced in many areas of HighLevel. A number of these custom values have been added and referenced in places like funnels, websites, and forms. Entering the values specific to this particular business will ensure there are no mistakes and that if something changes, like a phone number or even the business name, it won't have to be updated in multiple places.

  1. Go to "Settings" > "Custom Values"

  2. This page will display a list of custom values that have already been added as part of the snapshot

  3. Click on the three dots icon on each of the lines and select "Edit Custom Value"

  4. The "Name" field is for internal reference. The "Value" field is what will be referenced when displaying the custom value in places like funnels, websites, forms, etc.

  5. Add or update the corresponding information to the "Value" field and then click the "Update" button

💨 Quick Wins

In this section, you'll learn how to set up a series of Quick Wins that will generate leads, conversations, and activity right away!

Download Mobile App

Take this business on the go and manage Contacts, Conversations, Appointments, Reviews, and more with our mobile app. You can even take payments with Tap-2-Pay right on your phone!

For effective lead management and streamlined sales processes, enhance your workflow by downloading our mobile app in either the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

  1. Once the app has been downloaded, open it and login with the same user credentials used to log into the web app

Note: you can also customize and white-label the mobile app for an additional $497/month. To begin customizing your own branded version of the mobile app, visit Agency Settings > Mobile App

Tap 2 Pay

The mobile app includes a built-in point of sale (POS) system which also leverages tap 2 pay technology in an iPhone or Android. You can use this by following these steps

  1. Open the Mobile App

  2. Tap the "money" icon in the middle of the bottom navigation bar

  3. Either type in the value of the transaction or choose a product from the Catalog

  4. Tap "Review payment" at the bottom of the screen

  5. Open the Mobile App

  6. Tap the "money" icon in the middle of the bottom navigation bar

  7. Either type in the value of the transaction or choose a product from the Catalog

  8. Tap "Review" at the bottom of the screen

  9. On the screen that follows, you can add the customer to be billed, customize the quantity, and add a discount

  10. When ready to complete the transaction, tap "Charge" at the bottom of the screen

  11. If relevant, a tip screen will be presented

  12. In the screen that follows, the customer may tap their card or phone to pay

Enable Missed Call Text Back

Did you know that, statistically, local businesses miss more than 50% of their inbound phone calls? The Missed-Call Text-Back is the simplest way to capture leads who would have gone on to call a competitor.

You can enable this setting in under 30 seconds and the system will immediately text people who call but don't get an answer saying: "Sorry we missed your call. How can we help?"

  1. Go to "Settings" > "Business Profile"

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page on the right side and check the box in the "Missed Call Text Back" section

  3. Enter the a message that's most appropriate for the business

  4. Note: Be sure to test this feature by using the built-in testing field in the settings

Configure Live Web Chat Widget

Integrating a chat widget on your website enables you to easily convert website visitors into leads. The HighLevel chat widget allows for two modes, or types: SMS and Live Chat.

We recommend using the "live chat" type if you are waiting for your A2P Registration to be approved as this type doesn't rely on a phone number but instead creates a conversation between the web chat widget on the contact's browser and the web or mobile app used by the company.

  1. Go to “Sites” > “Chat Widget”

  2. Update the "Chat bubble" settings as desired

  3. Go to "Chat Type" and select "Live Chat"

  4. Update the "Widget window" settings as desired

  5. Update the "Acknowledgement settings" as desired

  6. Click the "Save" button

Configure SMS Web Chat Widget

Once you've received your A2P registration, you can then switch the type to "SMS or Email Chat" which will allow for website visitors to initiate a text-message conversation via the webchat widget. Anyone who initiates a conversation via the widget is automatically added to Contacts.

  1. Go to “Sites” > “Chat Widget”

  2. Update the "Chat bubble" settings as desired

  3. Go to "Chat Type" and select "SMS or Email Chat"

  4. Update the "Widget window" settings as desired

  5. Update the "Acknowledgement settings" as desired

  6. Click the "Save" button

Test Snippet Replies

Snippets are a small but mighty feature that will dramatically reduce the friction and time it takes to reply to the most common interactions between a business and its customers. They should have already been configured, but it's important to test them out and add or modify them as you go.

In The Desktop App:

  1. Go to "Conversations"

  2. When a conversation is selected in the SMS mode, click the "Insert template (Snippets)" icon in the bottom menu bar below the text entry field

  3. Select each snippet from the drop-down menu and click the "Use Template" button

In The Mobile App:

  1. Tap into Conversations, tap a message you'd like to reply to, then tap into the "Type and send via SMS" area

  2. Tap the + symbol and tap Snippets

  3. Tap the Snippet you'd like to use

Test Video Replies

Video replies provide a personalized, powerful way to reply to contacts as they are messaging a business. This can be done in the web app as well as the mobile app. Be sure to test this feature to understand how it works and what the contact will receive.

In The Mobile App:

  1. Select a conversation in the SMS mode, then tap into the "Type and send via SMS" area, then tap the "+" icon, then tap "Video"

  2. Allow access to the camera if asked and then record the a video

  3. Once finished, tap the send icon

In The Desktop App:

  1. Go to "Conversations"

  2. In the web app, select a conversation in the SMS mode, and click the "Attach files" icon in the bottom menu bar below the text entry field

    1. Note: There will be two options:

      1. "Upload from System" - upload from the computer's hard drive

      2. "Choose from Media Library" - add video from the built-in Media Library in HighLevel.

  3. Select the video file you'd like to use and then send the message.

Test Text-2-Pay

Text-2-Pay offers the simplest way to collect payment on the go as it enables people to pay you by simply tapping their card or their phone to your phone. Testing this feature is important to ensure your payment processor is configured properly and you understand what the experience will be for both parties.

In The Mobile App:

  1. Select a conversation in the SMS mode, then tap into the "Type and send via SMS" area, then tap the + icon and tap "Request Payments"

  2. Tap "Add items" and add the relevant details > tap "Save"

  3. Tap "Preview" at the top right of the screen to view a preview of the invoice

  4. Once it's been reviewed, tap the back arrow and then tap the "Generate link" button at the bottom of the screen and a link will be inserted into the text input field

In The Desktop App:

  1. Go to "Conversation" and select a conversation in the SMS mode, and click the "Request Payment" icon in the bottom menu bar below the text entry field

  2. The "Request Payment" modal will appear where you can add items and their prices as well as choosing an invoice date

  3. Click the "Copy link and mark as sent" and the link along with some editable text will be added to the text input field ready for sending

📈 Level Up

Now it's time to expand into more advanced tools that are designed for businesses to scale their capacity and increase efficiency of capturing, nurturing, and closing leads. Below you'll find specific instructions for setting up your sales funnel. This funnel, along with some pre-built automations will allow you to run ads for a special offer.

When a lead clicks on the ad, they will open the first step in the funnel where they will enter basic information about their vehicle. This information will be stored in their contact details for later reference.

Next, the lead will be taken to an appointment booking page where a simple calendar interface will allow them to pick a date and time for the service.

In the meantime, the lead will continue through the automation happening in the background where they will be sent specific email and SMS messages designed to nurture the relationship--an often overlooked function to closing the lead. The best part is that once this is set up, it runs on its own like a well-oiled machine!

Review Offer Form

This snapshot includes a form which is used for capturing new leads. This is a good time to review the form and make any necessary edits.

  1. Go to "Sites" > "Forms" > "Form Builder"

  2. Click the "Marketing Form - Claim Offer" form

  3. Once the form builder opens, you edit the form fields and/or add new form fields and elements as desired

  4. Click the "Save" button when finished

Note: When saving a form, a new version is created. Previous versions of the form can be viewed and restored by clicking the "Versions" icon below the "Save" button.

  1. Go to "Sites" > "Forms" > "Form Builder"

  2. Click the "Marketing Form - Claim Offer" form

  3. Once the form builder opens, you edit the form fields and/or add new form fields and elements as desired

  4. Click the "Save" button when finished

Note: When saving a form, a new version is created. Previous versions of the form can be viewed and restored by clicking the "Versions" icon below the "Save" button.

Calendar Configuration & Integration

This Snapshot features versatile calendars, enabling clients to schedule appointments for estimates and consultations, alongside calendars for various offered services.

You can opt to integrate external calendars (e.g. Google Calendar, Outlook, iCal). To do so, please visit our Calendar Sync Support Document.

  1. Go to "Calendars" > "Calendar Settings" where you'll find the calendars that came with this Snapshot

  2. Click the three-dots icon > Edit to edit the details of each calendar

Learn more about configuring Calendars in the Calendars and Scheduling Help Documents.

Configure Funnel

This snapshot includes a simple, yet effective sales funnel. You can use it to drive traffic to claim an offer and book appointments in just a few easy steps.

  1. Update the content of the funnel pages

  2. Go to “Sites” > “Funnels” > “Automotive Detailing Offer”

  3. Click the “Edit” button to edit the specific "Step" (page) in the funnel

  4. Scroll through the page and edit as needed

  5. Click “Save” at the top right corner before exiting

  6. Then click "Publish" when you are ready to push the changes live to the internet

  7. Update SEO Meta Data

  8. If not already displayed, click on the "SEO Meta Data" button in the top left menu bar icons

  9. Edit the fields to fit the business and be sure to follow the suggestions listed

  10. Click the "Update SEO Metadata"

  11. Then, click the "Save" button at the top right corner

Configure Website

If the automotive detailing business doesn't currently have a website, follow the steps below to customize the templated site that's included in this snapshot.

  1. Update Services content on Home page

    1. Go to “Sites” > “Websites” > “Car Detailing”

    2. Find the ‘Home’ page and click on “Edit”

    3. Scroll down to the Services section and edit content as needed.

    4. Click “Save” at the top right corner before exiting.

  2. Update Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Go to “Sites” > “Websites” > “Car Detailing”

    2. Find the ‘Home’ page and click on “Edit”

    3. Scroll down to the Frequently Asked Questions section and edit content as needed.

    4. Click “Save” at the top right corner before exiting.

  3. Review and update hyperlinks links

    1. Click on the Edit button on each page.

    2. Review and edit the navigation menu and all the button links.

    3. Note: Pages linked with the ‘Go To Page’ feature will be broken. These will need to be assigned manually since the domain will vary for each website.

  4. Update Social Media links

    1. Click on the Edit button on each page

    2. Review and edit all Social buttons/links

  5. Enable Chat Widget

    1. Go to "Sites" > "Websites"

    2. Click on the website

    3. Go to "Settings"

    4. Toggle the "Chat widget" button to "Enabled"

  6. Update SEO Meta Data

    1. Click on the "SEO Meta Data" button in the top left menu bar icons

Activate Domain

If you configured the templated website in the steps above and want to send it live on a domain, follow the instructions below.

Disclaimer: If your website url is currently being used with an existing website, following the steps below will replace your existing website with a HighLevel website (or funnel).

  1. Go to “Settings” > “Domains”

  2. Enter your desired domain or sub-domain in the “Enter Domain Name” field (this will be or

  3. Click the “Add & Verify” button

  4. Click the “Continue” button to connect your domain. Depending on your domain registrar, you’ll either be prompted to connect and login with your domain registrar so the wizard can automatically configure the new DNS records or you’ll be prompted to manually configure those records in your DNS.

  5. Click the “Verify Domain” button to verify the status. Once the record has been verified, you’ll be prompted to select a website and default homepage for this domain.(Note: DNS record verification often takes several minutes to complete, so you may have to click “Verify Domain” a few times until all the records are found).

Update Custom Values for Website Pages

If you followed the steps above to send the templated website live on a domain, you now have page urls that you can use as values in the website Custom Values that are included in this Snapshot.

These Custom Values are used in emails and Workflows that came with this Snapshot.

  1. Update Custom Values for your Call-To-Action

    1. Go to “Settings” > “Custom Values” > Edit "Promotion Name"

  2. Update Custom Values for Web Pages

    1. Go to “Settings” > “Custom Values” > Edit "Marketing - New Booking Thank You Page URL" and "Marketing - Website Booking Page URL"

Review Pipeline

Pipelines are a powerful way to visualize and track progress in your sales process. This snapshot includes a typical sales Pipeline where you'll be able to monitor the progress of new Opportunities as you start generating leads.

  1. Go to “Opportunities” > “Pipelines”

  2. Marketing Pipeline > click pencil icon to edit

  3. Make updates as needed

  4. Click the Save button

Review Calendar

The Calendar is a powerful tool, allowing customers to easily schedule their appointments without the need for a lengthy email conversation. Included in the snapshot are several "Service" calendars which are specific to types of services provided by the automotive detailing business as well as an "Event" calendar which can serve as a consultation calendar. Review each calendar and make adjustments as needed.

  1. Simple Calendar for Personal/General

    1. Go to “Settings” > “Calendars” > click the three dots > “Edit”

    2. Add a Calendar Logo

    3. Write a description of the calendar

    4. Update Availability and settings

    5. Link to personal calendar

Review Service Calendar

Within the Calendars section is a powerful feature called "Service Calendars." These are set up with several basic types of services offered by many automotive detailers and it allows for a wide variety of control including the ability to assign specific staff members to services and the equipment needed to perform each service. To start, follow these steps to update and review some of the details.

  1. Go to “Settings” > “Calendars” > click the three dots > “Edit” on Calendar list with the "Automotive Services" group tag

  2. Review details for each Service Calendar

    1. Update to match Services

    2. Add Team Member(s) under Service Details

For a more in-depth walkthrough of this feature, be sure to read this Service Calendars Help Document.

Review and Activate Workflows

All automations are handled in the Workflows section. We have included six workflows in this snapshot. But, keep in-mind that two of them (referenced below) require updates to function properly.

  1. “New Lead Nurture (Fast 5) - Claim Offer” - Customize, Review, and Activate

    1. Go to “Automation” > “Workflows” > Click the “Marketing Workflows” folder

    2. Click the title to open the “New Lead Nurture (Fast 5) - Claim Offer” automation

    3. Click the respective Workflow Actions to update settings and content for Email and SMS Actions

    4. To edit the Voicemail action, you will need to upload your own audio file in the Voicemail Action details slide-out. If needed, you can find further explanation in the Call & Voicemail Drop Events Help Document

    5. Click the “Save Action” button when finished with each one

    6. Toggle the switch at the top right from “Draft” to “Publish”

    7. Click the “Save” button at the top right to activate the Workflow

  2. “Long Term Nurture” - Customize, Review, and Activate

    1. Go to “Automation” > “Workflows” > click the “Marketing Workflows” folder

    2. Click the title to open the Long Term Nurture automation

    3. Click the respective Workflow Actions to update settings and content for Email and SMS Actions

    4. Click the “Save Action” button when finished editing each Action

    5. Toggle the switch at the top right from “Draft” to “Publish”

    6. Activate the Workflow

    7. Click the “Save” button at the top right

Review Email Templates

The email templates provided in this snapshot are designed around specific services customers want most from the automotive detailing business. Take a look through each one and modify them to fine-tune the specifics.

  1. Go to “Marketing” > “Emails” > “Templates”

    1. Rename the Titles for the Email Templates as necessary

    2. Click the title to open the email builder and make any necessary content updates for each template.

    3. Click the three dots (top right) > click “Settings” and edit the Email Subject field

    4. Click “Save” at the bottom of the menu to apply the changes

    5. Click “Save” at the top right corner of the email builder before exiting

  2. Update CTA Custom Values (these are are used in some emails) Go to “Settings” > “Custom Values"

  3. Update Email Image or content as needed

    1. Go to “Marketing” > “Emails” > “Templates”

    2. Open email. Update Email content as needed

Review Bulk SMS Sending

One of the best ways to generate more leads is to use a client's current database. The idea here is that repeat business and referrals are held within a list of past clients. We commonly refer to this as "database reactivation," or DBR. Below is a link to a comprehensive guide on how to implement this approach using bulk SMS.

Add Link-In-Bio Page to Socials

Also provided in the snapshot is a "Link in Bio" webpage that should be added to all social media accounts. This page is designed to provide clear actions a customer can take when interacting with the business without distractions of a full website.

  1. Go to “Sites” > “Websites"

  2. Click on the title of the website to view the pages included

  3. Click the "Preview Link" button in the lower right corner of the "Link in Bio" page tile

  4. Once the page opens in a new tab, copy the URL in shown in the address bar

  5. Use this URL in all relevant social media bios

Launch Ads

This Snapshot contains an Ad to initiate your advertising efforts. Please see the Ad mockup, image, and text data for this ad in this spreadsheet.